How Paint-Savers works
Paint-Savers neatly stores the leftover paint in a very compact space. The paint color is clearly visible and the special label carried all the important paint information and the project info from the user’s Paint-Savers Project Database. Since all remaining air in the container is removed any time the paint is used, this leaves no oxygen for the paint to react with. Paint-Savers will keep your leftover paint neat and fresh for a very long time, lasting years in storage.
It’s all about the oxygen in the air
When an organic compound is exposed to air, the oxygen in the air causes chemical reactions in the compound resulting in changes the physical and chemical characteristics of that substance. It’s this same oxidation process that causes stored food to become stale or rancid. This is the reason food manufacturers go to great lengths to package food in air-tight containers in order to increase its shelf life.
Similarly, the oxygen in the air is the main catalyzing agent that causes the paint to harden, deteriorate or separate in storage. This same chemical reaction causes the metal paint cans to rust and corrode to the point of leaking. By storing the remaining paint in an air-free container, Paint-Savers allow the paint to remain fresh and intact for years in storage, ready for the next eventual touch-up job.
Ecologically Friendly
Paint-Savers is also ecologically friendly because it reduces the amount of old unused paint that would normally be dumped at the hazardous material landfill. In addition, homeowners and painters save money by keeping their leftover paint neatly and safely stored away while avoiding the aggravation of trying to match and recompose old paint formulas when they have to repaint a room or touch-up a small area.