The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) reports that discarded leftover paint is the largest volume of material collected by hazardous waste collection sites. This is not only creates an environmental challenge but it also costs local governments a lot of money to collect and properly dispose of all this waste paint. The EPA also estimates that up to 10 percent of house paint purchased each year eventually ends up being discarded as waste. This translates into approximately 68 million gallons of wasted paint or about $3.7 billion of money that consumers waste on unusable or denatured paint. There is also the additional cost of carting the garbage paint to the hazardous waste disposal plant in addition to the cost of its proper disposal by incineration or disposition in special landfills.

Paint-Savers offers a solution to stop all this paint waste.

When leftover paint is store in the presence of oxygen (in the air), the paint oxidizes. This chemical reaction causes the chemicals in the paint to cross-link and breakdown. Depending on the storage conditions (temperature, humidity), this oxidation results in a collection of old rusted paint cans with leftover paint that is totally unusable.

How Paint-Savers remove the oxygen in the air.

When an organic substance is exposed to air, the oxygen in the air causes a chemical reaction and changes the characteristics of that substance. That is the reason food manufacturers go to great lengths to package food in air-tight containers (sometimes even using vacuum). It’s this same oxidation process that causes stored food or oils to become stale or rancid.

Similarly, the oxygen in the air is the main catalyzing agent that causes the paint to harden, deteriorate or separate in storage. Paint-Savers has created the perfect paint storage system for leftover paint. Imagine being able to save all the paint from your  home renovation project and have the paint remain fresh and usable for a long period of time, lasting up to 5, 8 of even 10 years!

By removing the air from the container, Paint-Savers allow the paint to remain intact for years in storage, ready for the eventual touch-up job. This is an environmentally-friendly solution that not only saves homeowners money but also the aggravation of trying to match and recompose old paint formulations.

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